
Record Scores
The list shows record scores achieved in competitions. Over the years, I guess we will be able to see an increase as the experience niveau of the contestants rises even further.

If in a competition a score is achieved that beats the current record, this score is added to the list (repeated records will be registed in italics). Eligible competitions are all competitions on the national or European level that were held according to the European Knife Throwing and Axe Throwing Rules and included all the disciplines.

See our info page on formal requirements for record inclusion, which also specifies how to contact the records keeper.

Rekorde aus Wettbewerben
Die Liste zeigt Rekord-Punktzahlen aus Wettbewerben. Im Laufe der Jahre wird man hoffentlich schön sehen, dass sich das sportliche Niveau deutlich nach oben entwickelt!

Wenn in einem Wettbewerb beste Punkzahl über dem bisherigen Rekord liegt, wird sie als neuer Rekord mit in die Liste aufgenommen. (Wiederholung des Rekordes werden in kursiv registriert.) Rekorde können bei jedem Wettbewerb auf nationalem oder europäischen Niveau erzielt werden, der die Europäische Regeln für Messerwerfen und Axtwerfen einhält und das volle Wettbewerbsprogramm umfasst.

Vor der Eintragung eines Rekords prüfen die EuroThrowers ob die formalen Bedingungen für die Listungen eines Rekords vorliegen.

Résultats Records
Cette liste montre les résultats records obtenues dans les compétitions (des récords répétés seront marqué en italique). Dans les annés à suivre, on va voir le niveau des lanceurs augmenter a cause de l'avancement du niveau du sport.

Si, dans une compétition, un lanceur obtient un résultat mieux que le récords, ce résultat et ajouté au liste. Des récords peuvent se faire dans tous les compétitions sur niveau national ou Européen qui suivent les Règles Européennes de Lancer des Couteaux et Haches et realisent tous les disciplines.

Avant l'enregistrement d'un record, EuroThrowers font une controle si les conditions officiels des records sont satisfait.

Рекорды Европы
В таблице приведены рекорды, установленные на соревнованиях. С течением лет видно, что спортивный уровень метателей растет!

Если лучший результат соревнования превысит предыдущий рекорд, то он вносится в таблицу в качестве нового рекорда. (В случае повторения рекорда он отмечается курсивом). Рекорды могут устанавливаться на соревнованиях национального или европейского уровня, проводимых по полной программе в соответствии с правилами Европейского Союза метателей (Европейские правила соревнований по метанию ножа и топора).

Punteggi Record
Questa lista mostra i punteggi record ottenuti nelle competizioni (i record ripetuti saranno registrati in corsivo). Negli anni a seguire, vedremo il livello dei lanciatori aumentare a causa del progresso del livello di questo sport.

Se in una competizione un lanciatore ottiene un risultato migliore del record, questo risultato è aggiunto alla lista. I record si possono ottenere in tutte le competizioni a livello nazionale o europeo che seguano la Regole Europee di Lancio Coltelli e Asce e comprendano tutte le discipline.

Score max. Score Name Competition
knife 3m (m)
104 105 Dmitriy Melnikov (RU) French Championship 2017, Ouistreham, France
102 105 Daniel Lacroix (FR) World Championship 2016, Maniago, Italy
102 105 Egor Iakovlev (RU) World Championship 2015, Huthwaite, England
102 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
101 105 Richard Wesson (USA) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
95 105 Michael Pahl (DE) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife 3m (f)
99 105 Svetlana Martynova (RU) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
95 105 Svetlana Martynova (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
95 105 Melody Cuenca (USA) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
95 105 Catherine Ciocca (IT) Open Italian Knife and Axe Throwing Tournament 2017, Campogalliano, Italy
89 105 Olga Agafonova (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
88 105 Anne-Laure Pfitzinger (FR) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
87 105 Ksenia Ryadnova (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
61 105 Dell Anna Cosina (IT) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife 5m (m)
99 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
96 105 Pascal Boucreux (FR) French Championship 2015, Allevard, France
93 105 Sergey Fedosenko (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
92 105 Antoníček Rostislav (CZ) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
92 105 John Taylor (GB) & Pascal Boucreux (FR) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
90 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
85 105 Christian Buttarello (FR) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife 5m (f)
86 105 Svetlana Martynova (RU) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
80 105 Anna Kortunova (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
75 105 Melody Joy Cuenca (USA) World Championship 2016, Maniago, Italy
70 105 Melody Joy Cuenca (USA) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
67 105 Ksenia Ryadnova (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
31 105 Ludmila Fedosenko (RU) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife 7m (m)
91 105 Sergey Fedosenko (RU) World Championship 2019, Newark, Great Britain
86 (6) 105 Werner Lengmüller (DE) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
86 (10) 105 Konstantin Malyshev (RU) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
85 105 Frank Fingerhut (DE) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
84 105 Werner Lengmüller (DE) Hungarian National Championship 2016, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
84 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
83 105 Werner Lengmüller (DE) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
76 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
72 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
57 105 Peter Kramer (DE) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife 7m (f)
62 105 Anna Kortunova (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
58 105 Melody Joy Cuenca (USA) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
37 105 Tatjana Dolgikh (RU) European Championship 2012, Forni Avoltri, Italy
36 105 Ksenia Ryadnova (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
10 105 Lydia Polo (FR) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife long distance (m)
23.35m Dimitrii Melnikov (RU) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
22.17m Jiří Žižka (CZ) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
19.70m Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
18.45m Jean-Pierre Redelsperger (FR) Big European Throwers Meetings 2011, Herrischried, Germany
15.99m Kumar Katugampola (FR) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
knife long distance (f)
13.72m Evgeniya Tribunskaya World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
13.39m Olga Agafonova (RU) World Championship 2015, Huthwaite, England
13.06m Galina Chuvina (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
10.26m Anna Agafonova (RU) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
7.26m Ksenia Ryadnova (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
axe 4m (m)
105 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2016, Maniago, Italy
104 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
103 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
100 105 Irži Žižka (CZ) European Championship 2012, Forni Avoltri, Italy
100 105 Rostislav Antoníček (CZ) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
99 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
95 105 Dieter Führer (DE) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
axe 4m (f)
95 105 Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
89 105 Kathrin Walz (IT) Open Italian Knife and Axe Throwing Tournament 2017, Aplis di Ovaro, Italy
88 105 Kathrin Walz (IT) Open Italian Knife and Axe Throwing Tournament 2017, Grosseto, Italy
87 105 Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2012, Forni Avoltri, Italy
67 105 Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
44 105 Ludmila Fedosenko (RU) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
axe 7m (m)
93 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2018, Rýmařov, Czech Republic
93 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2016, Maniago, Italy
92 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2015, Huthwaite, England
91 105 Stanislav Havel (CZ) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
87 105 Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
79 105 John Taylor (UK) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
axe 7m (f)
77 105 Ivana Karliková (CZ) Hungarian National Championship 2018, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
69 105 Anna Kortunova (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
65 105 Ivana Karlikova (CZ) World Championship 2016, Maniago, Italy
58 105 Marie-Claire Le Tessier (FR) French Championship 2015, Allevard, France
50 105 Anna Agafonova (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
50 105 Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2012, Forni Avoltri, Italy
29 105 Anna Agafonova (RU) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
27 105 Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
axe long distance (m)
27.53m Olivier Feret (FR) FSLCH French Championship 2022, Dieffenbach au Val, France
27.35m Stanislav Havel (CZ) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
26.04m Stanislav Havel (CZ) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
22.78m Markus Fenske (DE) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
19.09m Mikhail Sedyshev (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy
15.55m Americo Sabato (IT) Big European Throwers Meetings 2009, Villeflambeau, France
axe long distance (f)
16.36m Anna Krzheminskaia (RU) World Championship 2019, Newark, Great Britain
16.10m Serena Rizzo (IT) Regional record: 1st Bolzano Trophy 2019, Italy
16.01m Anna Velikaya (RU) European Championship 2017, Alsómocsolád, Hungary
16.01m Anna Agafonova (RU) World Championship 2014, Callac, France
13,64m Tatiana Dolgikh (RU) European Championship 2013, Nivnice, Czech Republic
10.41m Gabriella Mestroni (IT) European Championship 2012, Forni Avoltri, Italy
7.43m Cosima Dell'Anna (IT) European Championship 2011, Herrischried, Germany
7.12m Ksenia Ryadnova (RU) European Championship 2010, Rome, Italy

Erklärung: Score = erreichte Punktzahl, knives = Messer, axe = Axt; m = Männer, f = Frauen.
Explication: Score = points récords, knives = couteaux, axe = haches, m = hommes, f = femmes.
Пояснения: Score = выбитые очки, knives = нож, axe = топор; m = мужчины, f = женщины.

The record history starts in 2009, because that was the first time that the common European Rules according to the Chomutov-Agreement have been applied. The recording of the axe distance events starts in 2010, because the weight-class of the axe as in effect now was used for the first time then.
История регистрации рекордов началась с 2009 года, когда были впервые проведены соревнования по Европейским правилам в соответствии с соглашением в г.Хомутов. Регистрация рекордов по метанию топора начата с 2010 года, потому что с этого времени было введено ограничение по весу топора.