Name: André Nolting
Nickname: Alleswerfer
Age: 31
Location: Minden, Germany
Favourite Throwing Items: "Gransfors Bruks" double-bladed Throwing Axe, custom-made doublebladed Axe,
Hatchets and Nails.
Profession: Outdoor Agent
When and why did you start Throwing: My first thing to throw was a 600g hatchet from a DIY-Store and the target a tree, which wasnt quite dead, I assume (mea maxima culpa).
It was a perfect hit, the only one for a long time after. I then trained my skills whenever in the woods, using logs instead of living plants. Years later I built a little target in my parents garden and when I got familiar to the Internet, suggested a meeting of throwers from all over Germany, which in the end led to this club and this very page, thanks to Christian Thiel and Norbert Maier!
Nowadays you will find me throwing and Bowshooting on medieval fairs and similar events!